Understanding what I am calling the mess that is perl modules

Scott Haneda talklists at newgeo.com
Wed Jan 21 00:35:05 PST 2009

Me again... Sorry

I need Tie::RDBM
If someone can tell me anything wrong I am doing, or better ways, I  
would be able to provide more ports back to MacPorts.

`port search p5-tie`
4 results, none of which appear to be what I want.

What are the possibilities Tie::RDBM is contained within one of the 4  
results macports found?  The answer to that should be 0.  If it is  
not, I am searching wrong and would like to know how to correctly  
search.  If I am searching correctly, there needs to be a standard way  
to resolve this where the contents of a module are put into the port  
file so it can be searched and found.

I have a feeling the answer is not 0.  That being the case, I would  
like to suggest no port be approved until this qualification for  
search is met.  ports may have 5000+ port files, but with this issue  
solved, it could appear to have many many more.

I am trying to add in Tie::RDBM and find this page:

Version 0.70, so I would make my port file with a name of:
p5-Tie-RDBM 0.70
Which is going to translate to downloading a file of:

I am betting dollars to donuts that will fail.  On the cpan page I see  
they want me to download Tie-DBI-1.02.tar.gz.

And there, I am lost, the version is way off, the name is off, there  
is no way MacPorts is going to figure this out.

I actually do not even understand why a port has to be made for  
anything in CPAN.  I am sure the publish a list of all their modules,  
how come that list can not just exist in MacPorts, and we can simply  
issue something like `sudo port install cpan-foo::bar::baz and have  
MacPorts do the rest.

For items that would not build right away, or if someone wants  
something tried, true, and tested, there could be a full port file.

Thanks for all the help, I did manage to submit a few portfiles to the  
tracker today.

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