requirement installed where the sun don't shine

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Thu Jan 22 01:24:43 PST 2009

On Jan 21, 2009, at 21:15, Thomas Keller wrote:

> I've run into this problem a couple of times. The latest incident  
> is with install of wine. It requires fontforge which I installed  
> "by hand" in its default location of /usr/local/bin/
> how do I impart that path to port?

You don't. MacPorts is designed to use its own libraries, not those  
you have installed in /usr/local or anywhere else. Please see:

wine used to declare a dependency on fontforge, until it was  
explained to me that wine does not actually require fontforge, so I  
removed the dependency. Please see:

If you have justification for bringing the fontforge dependency back,  
I'm all ears.

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