ASSP port testing, not getting all perl mods to work
Scott Haneda
talklists at
Sat Jan 24 01:14:17 PST 2009
So... :)
This trickle down effect of needing A, to find it needs B and C, and
that B and C need D and E, and that can go on a while. Look what I
( One small issue with the mysql connector still, and I have a few
questions about how to chain these all together, since there is an
order to install ports in, but that just seems to go from simple to
complex in order. I will break out this thread into a new one for
those )
What is the ETA to getting something approved and into the system?
Just curious.
ASSP version (Perl 5.008009) initializing
ASSP running on server: me-macbook.local (
Net::LDAP module version 0.36
installed and available
Net::DNS module version 0.63
installed and available
Email::Valid module version 0.179
installed and available
Mail::SPF::Query module version 1.999001
installed and available
Mail::SPF module version 2.006
installed and available
Mail::SRS module version 0.31
installed - Sender Rewriting Scheme available
Compress::Zlib module version 2.015
installed - HTTP compression available
Digest::MD5 module version 2.37
installed - delaying can use MD5 keys for hashes
Digest::SHA1 module version 2.11
File::ReadBackwards module version 1.04
installed - searching of log files enabled
Time::HiRes module version 1.9715
installed - CPU usage statistics available
Sys::Syslog module version 0.27
installed - Unix centralized logging enabled
Net::Syslog module version 0.03
installed - network Syslog logging enabled
Tie::RDBM module
*not* installed - mysql usage not available
Net::IP::Match::Regexp module version 1.01
installed - CIDR notation for IP range available
Net::CIDR::Lite module version 0.20
installed - hyphenated IP address range available
Net::SenderBase module version 1.01
installed - countrycode checks available
LWP::Simple module version 5.810
installed - griplist available
Email::MIME::Modifier module version 1.442
installed - attachment detection available
Net::SMTP module version 2.31
installed - Verify Recipients available
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