Universal Binaries
Timothy Lee
TimLee at rochester.rr.com
Sat Jan 24 09:35:13 PST 2009
Thanks for the reply Harry-
I'm fairly sure that I will need to lipo together the builds for
Musicbrainz' Picard.
So - in your experience what are all the options that I must set after
a fresh src install to have a 10.5 setup building binaries for 10.4?
Also, does anyone know how UB deals with endian-specific code? Does
the c-preprocessor run twice and eval all the #ifdef big_endian (or
whatever the define/macro would be)? Or is there some other way to do
this that wouldn't require two runs of the cpp.
On Jan 24, 2009, at 8:49 AM, Harry van der Wolf wrote:
> 2009/1/24 Ryan Schmidt <ryandesign at macports.org>
> On Jan 23, 2009, at 09:11, <timlee at rochester.rr.com> <timlee at rochester.rr.com
> > wrote:
> Joshua Root <jmr at macports.org> wrote:
> Timothy Lee wrote:
> Do you know if its possible for me (on leopard) to build x86 code (all
> my macports ports) that will also run on Tiger?
> Short of physical access to an intel 10.4 install, is there anything I
> can do?
> I am the OSX bundle maintainer of avidemux (I maintain others too
> but via other ways). I build my avidemux binaries and dependent libs
> as universal ones on Leopard (using macports for all necessary libs)
> and the bundle (including binary and necessary libraries) is used on
> Tiger as well as Leopard. Note that avidemux is available as
> macports package, but I build (b)leeding edge svn bundles. I need to
> compile avidemux for i386 and ppc from svn trunk and "lipo merge"
> them to make them universal.
> The bundle contains some complicated libraries (glib, pango, cairo,
> gtk and they are all built universal and without X11 (so native
> aqua) via macports) and this works fine. (Two libs are not yet in
> macports and I need to make ports as soon as I have time to do so,
> but maintaining three packages and developing my own takes quite
> some spare time)
> Don't forget to use Reply All so the discussion goes to the list as
> well. There are no guarantees that this will work, but the way to do
> what you want would be to set universal_target to 10.4,
> universal_sysroot to /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk, and
> universal_archs to i386. Then build everything with +universal (best
> to
> add it to your variants.conf).
> Also set x11prefix to /usr/X11R6; Leopard's X11 prefix /usr/X11 does
> not exist on Tiger.
> Thanks for the tip!
> Has anyone tried this? Success/failure stories?
> openssl failed for me when I tried it this way on Leopard. Switching
> back to 10.5 and the 10.5 SDK fixed it.
> 90% builds OK.
> Some other binaries and libraries fail to build this universal way:
> gimp (now built as i386 aqua), sqlite3 (is a pain in the backside
> anyway), subversion (svn), wxwidgets (wxMac), wine, libGLEW,
> libOrbit, libSDL*, liba52*, libav*, libbonobo, libboost, libgnome,
> libpoppler and some others.
> I build these binaries/libraries with "sudo port <package> -
> universal" as I have +universal (and -x11) in my variants.conf
> Next to that: some libraries can be build universal as static libs,
> but not as dynamic libs like x264 (can't remember the other one)
> Also: some libs are so POSIX compliant that, when build via macports
> on Leopard, they can't be used on Tiger. (lib)xvid is one. I need
> to build that one manually.
> Note: I mentioned in a earlier post in this thread that I have
> # the SDK "sysroot" to use
> universal_sysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk
> in my macports.conf. Technically speaking you can just as well use
> the 10.5 SDK as that one builds for 10.4 too as long as you set the
> deployment target to 10.4. I choose the 10.4 SDK as quite some
> packages are not yet "10.5 SDK optimized" which led to some errors
> (pango and gtk). The 10.5 SDK uses some "new stuff" that works fine
> on Leopard but not on Tiger as most ports are actually linux based
> and ported to Mac. Maybe they are already fixed but I did not check
> yet.
> Harry
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