gcc4.4 installation error

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Fri Jul 3 08:27:28 PDT 2009

On Jul 3, 2009, at 09:03, Lars-Erik Lindgren wrote:

> Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> Any software installed by MacPorts or compiled by hand could find  
>> libraries in /usr/local without notice. In the case of MacPorts- 
>> installed software, this would most likely interfere with the  
>> ability of MacPorts to manage your dependencies in a reliable  
>> manner. As I said above, it is not supported to have anything in / 
>> usr/local while using MacPorts. That means you can do it if you  
>> want, but if you encounter problems we will not support you in  
>> making MacPorts work with that setup; we will tell you to get rid  
>> of what's in /usr/local and try again.
> I do not dare to remove it permanently
> The university (Cisco) VPN client has installed items there.
> Thus I will move it temporarlily and then copy back content after  
> installing software with MacPorts

If you only have Cisco VPN there, I would think you would not  
encounter any problems unless you are building software in MacPorts  
that is trying to link with a Cisco VPN library. But in the case  
originally reported, you had more than just Cisco VPN in /usr/local;  
you also had an older version of the GNU Multiprocessing library  
(GMP) which was causing a problem because it prevented the gcc44 port  
from using the correct version of the GMP library that MacPorts had  

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