Reverting to previous ports - mysql5

Chris Janton face at CentosPrime.COM
Mon Jun 8 06:55:17 PDT 2009

On 2009-06-07 , at 13:17 , Ryan Schmidt wrote:

>> This is on my 10.3 system.
>> I unfortunately installed mysql5-server on my 10.3.9 system after  
>> getting an "obsolete +server" message.
>> My startup files have become confused.
> Sorry about that. I did not test on 10.3. I can try to do so in a  
> few days. What error messages are you encountering?

admin at x:admin:133 $ sudo port upgrade outdated
--->  Fetching mysql5
--->  Attempting to fetch mysql-5.0.82.tar.gz from
--->  Verifying checksum(s) for mysql5
--->  Extracting mysql5
--->  Applying patches to mysql5
--->  Configuring mysql5
The +server variant is obsolete. Please install the mysql5-server port  
--->  Building mysql5
--->  Staging mysql5 into destroot
--->  Deactivating mysql5 @5.0.81_0+server
--->  Installing mysql5 @5.0.82_0+server
--->  Activating mysql5 @5.0.82_0+server
--->  Cleaning mysql5
admin at x:admin:134 $

at this point I can't "talk" to the previous version of mysql5 using  
mysql or mysqladmin...

admin at x:mysql5:162 $ mysql -u face -p
Enter password:
ERROR 1251: Client does not support authentication protocol requested  
by server; consider upgrading MySQL client
admin at x:mysql5:163 $ ps -axww | grep sql
21334 std  S      0:00.01 sh /opt/local/bin/mysqld_safe --datadir=/var/ 
mysql --pid-file=/var/mysql/
21372 std  S      0:07.13 /opt/local/libexec/mysqld --basedir=/opt/ 
local --datadir=/var/mysql --user=mysql --pid-file=/var/mysql/  
--port=3306 --socket=/tmp/mysql.sock
28761 std  R+     0:00.00 grep sql

There is no way to stop/start the old MySQL5 since the startup item is  

admin at x:mysql5:166 $ ls /Library/StartupItems

OK - so I "kill"ed the old mysql5. Still have no working command line  
tools yet...

admin at x:mysql5:169 $ mysql -u face -p
Enter password:
ERROR 1251: Client does not support authentication protocol requested  
by server; consider upgrading MySQL client

admin at x:admin:134 $ sudo port install mysql5-server
--->  Fetching mysql5-server
--->  Verifying checksum(s) for mysql5-server
--->  Extracting mysql5-server
--->  Configuring mysql5-server
--->  Building mysql5-server
--->  Staging mysql5-server into destroot
--->  Creating systemstarter control script
# A startup item has been generated that will aid in
# starting mysql5-server with SystemStarter. It is disabled
# by default. Add the following line to /etc/hostconfig
# or /opt/local/etc/rc.conf to start it at startup:
--->  Installing mysql5-server @5.0.82_0
* In order to setup the database, you might want to run
* sudo -u mysql mysql_install_db5
* if this is a new install
--->  Activating mysql5-server @5.0.82_0
--->  Cleaning mysql5-server
admin at x:admin:135 $

add the MYSQL5-SERVER line to /etc/hostconfig

now we try to start mysql...

admin at x:admin:135 $ sudo SystemStarter start mysql5-server
Welcome to Macintosh.
/System/Library/StartupItems/SecurityServer/SecurityServer: line 41:  
MYSQL5-SERVER=-YES~: command not found
/System/Library/StartupItems/Network/Network: line 41: MYSQL5-SERVER=- 
YES~: command not found
Starting SecurityServer
Initializing network
/System/Library/StartupItems/Disks/Disks: line 41: MYSQL5-SERVER=- 
YES~: command not found
Checking disks
/System/Library/StartupItems/NIS/NIS: line 41: MYSQL5-SERVER=-YES~:  
command not found
/System/Library/StartupItems/NFS/NFS: line 41: MYSQL5-SERVER=-YES~:  
command not found
lockfile: Sorry, giving up on "/var/run/NFS.StartupItem"
/Library/StartupItems/mysql5-server/mysql5-server: line 41: MYSQL5- 
SERVER=-YES~: command not found
Startup complete.
admin at x:admin:136 $

I copied/pasted the MYSQL5-SERVER line from the terminal.
This is copied/pasted from /etc/hostconfig


For the time being I have manually started mysql on the 10.3 system  
and will hand start if we have to reboot.

Chris Janton  - face at CentosPrime dot COM
Netminder for Opus1.COM

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