port install gnat-gcc
Ryan Schmidt
ryandesign at macports.org
Tue Jun 16 16:34:17 PDT 2009
On Jun 16, 2009, at 06:32, Martin Krischik wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Am 16.06.2009 um 12:18 schrieb Ryan Schmidt:
>> On Jun 15, 2009, at 00:36, Boey Maun Suang wrote:
>>> If it's of any interest to anyone, I've been having a go at
>>> creating a port that builds in the recommended way by downloading
>>> a bootstrap compiler and uses that to build GCC with Ada support,
>>> as the ghc port does. (Because of the way that GCC builds and
>>> installs itself with absolute path references, the only way that
>>> I can see to get that to work would be to have the bootstrap
>>> built for installation into a temporary subdirectory of /var/tmp,
>>> have that build and install GCC with Ada support on the local
>>> machine, and then delete the bootstrap compiler -- though that
>>> may mean that it won't work with trace mode on).
>> Why /var/tmp and not ${destroot}?
> Maybe he can't write to /opt. I often compile from / to /var/tmp on
> systems when I don't have root access.
If you can't write to /opt/local, you wouldn't put your MacPorts
there, and destroot is inside wherever your MacPorts prefix is, so
that's not a reason not to use destroot.
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