VTK 5.2 and GL2PS export

Jonathan Stickel jjstickel at vcn.com
Thu Jun 18 10:19:13 PDT 2009

I reinstalled vtk5 with the +x11 variant, and now the vtk rendering 
library is linked to


However, I still have the same problem of textActors not exporting. 
Labels on axes export fine, though.  I suppose this could be reported 
upstream to VTK.  Maybe I'll try vtk-devel (vtk-5.4) when I have some 
more time and see if the problem persists.


Jeremy Huddleston wrote:
> Interesting.  We were just talking about some vtk oddities in the 
> x11-users and xquartz-dev mailing list.
> Check out:
> http://www.ctcms.nist.gov/oof/renderingbug
> Since you're seeing this purely in carbon, my guess now is that this is 
> an issue with either OpenGL.framework (which would mean it's in both 
> Tiger and Leopard... which I think isn't too likely) or with VTK itself.
> On Jun 17, 2009, at 11:14, Jonathan Stickel wrote:
>> I'm experiencing a problem using the GL2PS export feature of VTK, 
>> where VTK was installed via Macports (vtk5 
>> @5.2.1_2+carbon+darwin_8+python). When I have a textActor in my render 
>> window, e.g. some arbitrary title or note, then that text does not 
>> show in the exported pdf/eps.
>> I suspect the problem might be related to the OpenGL library that VTK 
>> links to, in this case 
>> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/OpenGL since I 
>> am using the Carbon variant.  Can someone verify that they see this 
>> problem also?  Any knowledge about how to resolve this?  I am 
>> currently on Tiger.
>> Thanks,
>> Jonathan
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