apache2 location

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Sun Mar 1 01:56:55 PST 2009

On Mar 1, 2009, at 03:18, Joshua Root wrote:

> Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> MacPorts itself even installs outside of
>> ${prefix} by default, into /Library/Tcl.
> There doesn't seem to be a good reason for that, though. I'd like to
> change it.

IIRC, the good reason that was cited in the past was that if someone  
wrote another MacPorts client in Tcl that wanted to load the MacPorts  
Tcl library, it could only do so if it were in a known location. Or  
maybe Tcl will only look in /Library/Tcl for libraries. Or something  
like that.

I'm not familiar enough with Tcl to be able to speak to that, but it  
seems like if MacPorts itself can be told to look for its Tcl library  
elsewhere, e.g. in ${prefix}/Library/Tcl, then any other MacPorts  
client can be told that too. Such a client could default to /opt/ 
local for ${prefix} which should handle most users, and offer a way  
to configure it if the user has installed MacPorts to a different  

In fact I can't imagine there being another Tcl-based MacPorts  
client. The "port" command handles most of what a user would need in  
a command line client, and if someone were making a GUI for MacPorts,  
I doubt they would do so in Tcl.

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