logging postfix and others

Scott Haneda talklists at newgeo.com
Sun Mar 1 02:20:18 PST 2009

Sorry, I meant this to be off list, which is why some of this is a  
little non relevant, carry on.

On Mar 1, 2009, at 1:37 AM, Scott Haneda wrote:

> I just started looking into this....
> On Feb 28, 2009, at 5:47 PM, Bradley Giesbrecht wrote:
>> What are others doing for logging?
>> Postfix wants to use syslog facilities and I would like to move the  
>> logs from /var/log to /opt/local/var/xxx.
> I knew we needed to do this, but I had no idea it was going to be an  
> issue, I see it as being one now.  One way, would be to leave them  
> as they are, write a small launchd item that pipes them from /var/ 
> log/mail to wherever we want, seems messy, less than ideal.
>> But changing /etc/syslog.conf doesn't seem like a macports way of  
>> doing it.
>> I'm not totally opposed to making changes to /etc/syslog.conf but I  
>> wouldn't be surprised if Apple supdates over wrote them some day.
> I would say, it is pretty stable, in that it is how it is now, but  
> right it is going to change, for sure.
>> I'll figure this out but in case there is something more or less  
>> standard for macports packages I thought I'd ask.
> I do not know of anything, but this gets worse.  Somewhere in /etc/ 
> periodic, it a roller, that will roll the mail logs, but it saves a  
> certain amount of them, and then rolls them off, deleting them. If  
> we keep using syslog for postfix, we have to also tell people to  
> alter that, as it is too frequent a lot roll.  Some will not want  
> them deleted as well, like myself.  So add that to your list of  
> things to solve about thsi logging issues :)
> That is what is nice about apache being away from apple, the http  
> logs do not get rolled away.  First thing I do in setting up a new  
> server is comment out the log rollers, second is set up a ntpudpate  
> command in launchd to keep the clock from drifting.
> --
> Scott


* If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ *

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