port outdated command works propely after Porticus being installed.

Kuniaki Mukai mukai at sfc.keio.ac.jp
Tue Mar 10 09:31:45 PDT 2009

I installed so far more than 400 ports. Thanks for Macports.
For these months, may be  more than a half of a year,
the 'port  outdated' command  has given nothing 
to me whenever I checked.  Although it was 
strange, but I persuaded myself to think MacPorts 
were now so stable that no update was neccessary.

However, after I installed recently the Porticus application, 
I found that every time  after doing the selfupdate menu
of the application, the same command 
'port  outdated' shows  many outdated ports information 
to update.  It seems  as if macports does not work 
properly without the Porticus.

How can MacPorts's  'outdated' command be made to work 
properly without helps of other applications ? 
As a fact of matter, I am  afraid that some files of Macports
of my mac are broken. 

MacOSX 10.5.6 

K. Mukai

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