Error in mod_wsgi Portfile?

Francis Devereux francis at
Tue Mar 10 10:20:16 PDT 2009


I think that the message printed by www/mod_wsgi/Portfile is  
incorrect.  The line that currently reads:
     ui_msg "#  LoadModule python_module modules/"
should read:
     ui_msg "#  LoadModule wsgi_module modules/"

If the current instructions are followed, attempting to start Apache  
gives the following error:
jupiter LaunchDaemons # /opt/local/apache2/bin/apachectl start
httpd: Syntax error on line 116 of /opt/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf:  
Can't locate API module structure `python_module' in file /opt/local/ 
apache2/modules/ dlsym(0x404e10, python_module): symbol  
not found



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