Re-do MacPorts after upgrading from Tiger to Leopard on PPC?

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Fri Mar 13 22:47:58 PDT 2009

On Mar 13, 2009, at 11:17, Bradley Giesbrecht wrote:

> port installed | sed '1d' | awk '{print $1$2}' > installed.txt
> port -f uninstall installed
> for item in $(cat installed.txt); do port install $item done

On Mar 13, 2009, at 11:27, Bradley Giesbrecht wrote:

> Whoops, need to remove +darwin_8.
> port installed | sed '1d' | sed 's|+darwin_[0-9]||g' | awk '{print  
> $1$2}' > installed.txt

It's a noble effort, but this will cause ports to be reinstalled in  
alphabetical order, which is almost certainly not dependency order.

For example, consider someone who has the ports mediawiki, php5  
+apache2+mysql5, and mysql5 +server installed. mediawiki depends on  
php5 and mysql5, and php5 +mysql5 depends on mysql5.

mediawiki is alphabetically before php5 and mysql5 so your script  
will install it first. MacPorts will go and build the dependencies  
php5 and mysql5 with their default variants, meaning php5 will not  
have mysql5 support, and mysql5 will not have its server startup item.

Then later in the list you will come to mysql5 +server and ask  
MacPorts to install it and it will go and build the whole thing  
again, only it won't be able to activate mysql5 +server because  
mysql5 with no variants is already active.

Same for php5, which will already be active with its default +apache2  
variant so the new +apache2+mysql5 won't be able to be activated.

You would have to replicate the MacPorts dependency engine in your  
script if you wanted to handle this correctly. But then why not  
implement it inside MacPorts itself. Which you would be welcome to  
do. But it's not something users need to do all that often. There are  
other issues in MacPorts base that might be more important to fix.  
But if you feel drawn to provide a solution for this issue in  
MacPorts base, we could start by discussing how it might work and  
what the command might be called.

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