general advice about making a portfile and a binary package?

Daniel J. Luke dluke at
Mon Mar 16 11:31:55 PDT 2009

On Mar 16, 2009, at 1:58 PM, Allen McBride wrote:
> I wrote the developer of Solfege, and he said these "dependencies"  
> that trace mode was showing me (librsvg, ghostscript) are things  
> that he uses to create the release tarball; they're not needed to  
> build from the tarball.  But configure still checks for them, so  
> that's why they were showing up in trace mode.  And as for the  
> Python thing, I'm guessing that somehow trace mode couldn't figure  
> out that opt/local/bin/python was part of the python25 port, even  
> though I know it is.

you can do 'port provides foo' to find out what port provides foo:

% port provides /opt/local/bin/python
/opt/local/bin/python is provided by: python_select

If you can tell the configure script to use ${prefix}/python2.5  
instead of ${prefix}/python, that would be good.

> So, I'm thinking I can go ahead and submit my Portfile to MacPorts  
> despite these "access denied" messages from trace mode.  Any  
> suggestions to the contrary?
> Also, a question about the "maintainer" field of the Portfile...  
> since I don't have commit privileges, I assume I should leave this  
> as "nomaintainer" rather than putting my own e-mail in, correct?

No, you can put your own email address in the field. For a little  
while you'll need to bug a committer to actually commit any changes to  
your port, but after you've done it for a while you should apply for  
commit access so you can update it yourself.

Daniel J. Luke
| *---------------- dluke at ----------------* |
| *-------------- -------------* |
|   Opinions expressed are mine and do not necessarily   |
|          reflect the opinions of my employer.          |

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