maintainer no longer at email address

Yolande Serra serra at
Tue Mar 17 20:52:45 PDT 2009

On Mar 17, 2009, at 8:13 PM, Daniel J. Luke wrote:

> On Mar 17, 2009, at 7:45 PM, Bryan Blackburn wrote:
>> On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 02:01:13PM -0700, Yolande Serra said:
>>> thanks Bryan, I checked the ticket but that is not the problem I am
>>> having.  the port installs just fine.  they must have fixed it.  my
>>> problem is the libraries won't link to my fortran code when I try to
>>> compile.
>> FYI, netcdf is now unmaintained.  For fortran issues, the only  
>> thing I'd ask
>> is if you installed netcdf with +g95 variant since that should enable
>> fortran bits for it.  If you already did, then I have no other ideas.
> It's also possible that someone here could help but we haven't seen  
> very much detail about what is wrong (other than that it doesn't  
> work).
> Is the fortran code looking for some symbol that's not in the library?
yes, all of them.  it cannot find any of the fortran routines like  
nf_open, nf_get_vara_float, etc.  All the netcdf nf_ routines are  
listed that I call in my program when I try to compile.  I think it  
may be an underscore issue, at least it seems that way since it is  
just not possible that the code does not know where libnetcdf.a is.   
Perhaps I should be writing the netcdf creators at this point as I've  
tried everything I can to get it to work and I've built it myself on  
my powerpc mac and had no trouble.

> --
> Daniel J. Luke
> +========================================================+
> | *---------------- dluke at ----------------* |
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Dr. Yolande Serra, Assoc. Research Faculty
Institute of Atmospheric Physics
University of Arizona
(520) 621-6619
serra at

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