Cannot access

Paul Sijpkes paul.sijpkes at
Sun Mar 22 18:59:37 PDT 2009

How do I do that?  Sorry I'm very new to Macs, moved from Linux.
What's the process called?

On 23/03/2009, at 12:54 PM, Joshua Root wrote:

> Paul Sijpkes wrote:
>> Okay, there was  ticket opened on this about 18 months ago, number  
>> #12684.
>> Says that if you are running PeerGuardian then it blocks incoming
>> connections from that socket.
>> I've killed peerguardian, but it's still happening...
>> Is there any other process that could do this?
> IIRC, you have unload the PG kext, which often trips people up.
> - Josh

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