stable vs. unstable ports?

Dave Howell groups.2009a at
Thu Mar 26 14:09:09 PDT 2009

On Mar 23, 2009, at 0:38 , Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> Before we can allow arbitrary users to submit their builds to a  
> central server, we would need to ensure that a build that occurs on  
> one user's system is *identical* to the build on any other user's  
> computer. This cannot currently be assured because MacPorts does not  
> build in a chroot, and without this, it is possible for a port to  
> link with libraries that happen to be on the user's system that it  
> ought not link with -- be they libraries from other ports on which  
> the port in question does not declare a dependency, or libraries in / 
> usr/local, to which the compiler always looks.

Would two "identical builds" be byte-identical? If so, then a binary  
doesn't become available until *two* (or three or whatever) identical  
binaries are uploaded.

And/or, there's some command line library tool (I'm on vacation and my  
reference books are home) that I can run to get a listing of what  
libraries are called by a particular binary, isn't there? Wouldn't  
that help screen wacky-linked binaries?

The deliberate uploading of contaminated binaries, however, is a whole  
different kettle of worms. :/

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