Problem installing binary MacPorts 1.7.1

James Reese jreese99 at
Sun Mar 29 15:44:40 PDT 2009


It must be magic. I opened the log window, and this time the  
installation completed successfully. How strange!

Thanks for responding to my plea for help so quickly.


On Mar 29, 2009, at 6:20 PM, Rainer Müller wrote:

> James Reese wrote:
>> I'm using an iMac running OS X 10.5.6. When I run the MacPorts 1.7.1
>> installer, it gets to the step of "Finishing Installation" and never
>> completes. There is no apparent disk activity and no apparent comm
>> actvitity. I have to force kill it to get it to exit.
>> I've tried completely removing MacPorts using the instructions on the
>> wiki and rebooting the machine before trying the installation. In
>> every case I get to the same spot in the installation process and no
>> further.
> Open the log window in the Installer (Window -> View Log) and set it  
> to
> report all messages. Do you see any activity? If not, what was the  
> last
> message given?
> Rainer

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