xpdf vs poppler

Bryan Blackburn blb at macports.org
Fri May 15 12:07:49 PDT 2009

On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 07:56:30AM -0400, William Davis said:
> I was trying to install py26-impressive +huge and got this:
> macintosh:~ frstan$ sudo port -d activate xpdf
> Password:
> --->  Activating xpdf
> DEBUG: Image error: /opt/local/bin/pdffonts is being used by the active 
> poppler port.  Please deactivate this port first, or use 'port -f activate 
> xpdf' to force the activation.
>     while executing
> "_activate_contents $name $imagefiles $imagedir"
>     (procedure "portimage::activate" line 57)
>     invoked from within
> "portimage::activate $portname [composite_version $portversion [array get 
> variations]] [array get options]"
> Error: port activate failed: Image error: /opt/local/bin/pdffonts is  
> being used by the active poppler port.  Please deactivate this port  
> first, or use 'port -f activate xpdf' to force the activation.
> macintosh:~ frstan$

I believe that would be ticket #17540:



> William Davis
> frstanATbellsouthDOTnet
> Mac OS X.5.7 Darwin 9.5.0
> XQuartz 2.3.3 (xorg-server 1.4.2-apple42)
> Mac Mini Intel Duo @ 1.86 GHz
> Mundus vult decepi, ego non

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