OpenSSL: Ports dependencies

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Wed May 20 19:04:06 PDT 2009

On May 20, 2009, at 12:32, nox wrote:

> Le 20 mai 09 à 16:01, David Munoz a écrit :
>> During nmap compilation, I seen that this software needs openssl  
>> port and doesn't use Mac OS openssl lib.
>> What are differences between this two OpenSSL implementations?  
>> What are requirements for MacPort libraries?

There probably aren't many differences, if any, except that the  
version in MacPorts might be newer, and we don't have to worry about  
Apple updating the version of openssl incompatibly.

> MacPorts never uses the Mac OS X libraries but for a few exceptions  
> like the X11 server.
> FAQ#WillMacPortslinktosystemlibrariesratherthanitsown

Actually X11 is no longer an exception to that rule.

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