
Bryan Blackburn blb at
Wed May 20 19:18:41 PDT 2009

On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 10:36:00PM +0200, vernin said:
> Le 20 mai 09 à 22:05, Bryan Blackburn a écrit :
>> Hmm, zlib is a dependency for tiff so it should be there; what is the 
>> output
>> from running
>> $ port installed zlib
> macbook-vernin:/ jver$ port installed zlib
> The following ports are currently installed:
>   zlib @1.2.3_1 (active)

Okay it is installed and active, so that's good.  Note that zlib was updated
to 1.2.3_2 about six months ago, so there's the possibility you have some
outdated bits.  Running

$ sudo port selfupdate
$ sudo port clean --work tiff
$ sudo port upgrade outdated

may help out with your original install attempt.  Otherwise, what OS
version, Xcode version, and machine are you using?


PS, don't forget to reply-all to make sure it reaches the list...

> Jacques Vernin

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