Inkscape as non-root? (-> gnome-vs -> gconf -> policykit -> fail)

Alex Zavatone zavpublic at
Thu May 28 11:13:49 PDT 2009

Sorry, sorry, I was being a retard.

I was referring to NTOP and having just deleted an NTOP email, I had  
mistakenly replied to yours while not realizing while I was physically  
typing the word, MacPorts, that MacPorts is not NTOP.

The spelling should have made it clear to my but obviously, I had not  
engaged my brain before typing.

I've put myself on Double Secret Probation as punishment.

me.tardness == true

My mother used to drop me as a child.  In those days it was the thing  
to do.

- Zav

On May 28, 2009, at 11:58 AM, Kevin Reid wrote:

> On May 28, 2009, at 12:35, Alex Zavatone wrote:
>> Kevin, do you have any tips in how to set it up?  I've had no luck,  
>> even after reading the tutorials.  Currently, trying to hit the  
>> apache server causes an error at printf and ntop bails.
> Sorry, I'm not sure what you're asking about. If you mean running  
> MacPorts as non-root, I don't use Apache or ntop via MacPorts so I  
> can't comment on those ports.
> -- 
> Kevin Reid                            < 
> kpreid/>
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