subversion on 10.4

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Sat May 30 11:35:10 PDT 2009

On May 30, 2009, at 08:06, Thomas De Contes wrote:

> could somebody help subversion maintainer to make it compile on  
> 10.4 please ?
> it's all the more annoying that there is no subversion at all in  
> 10.4, contrary to 10.5

I have no problem compiling Subversion on Mac OS X 10.4. What problem  
are you experiencing?

I know there was a problem compiling 1.6.x while 1.5.x is active. The  
workaround is to deactivate or uninstall 1.5.x and then clean and  
install 1.6.x.

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