
Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Sat May 30 11:49:11 PDT 2009

On May 30, 2009, at 08:47, Thomas De Contes wrote:

> Le 2 mai 09 à 21:57, Joshua Root a écrit :
>> Thomas De Contes wrote:
>>> is there a way to set an other path than /Applications/MacPorts  
>>> please ?
>>> like with "./configure --prefix="
>> If you run `./configure --help` you will see the --with- 
>> applications-dir
>> option.
> thank you :-)
> i find help not explicit enough, about what each option is used for

You can also read the Guide:

> i can't confirm that it works,
> because it tries to Activate the aleady compiled python25, despite  
> the fact that i recompiled MacPorts with differents options

Then you will need to uninstall that python25 and recompile it.

Note that you don't need to recompile MacPorts to change  
applications_dir or most of the other variables. All it does when you  
use --with-applications-dir is that it writes the value of that  
argument to the macports.conf file. So you can edit that file  
yourself later to change the values.

> on top of that, it don't want to recompile python25 even if i do  
> "port clean python25" before !
> what should i do ?

Since the port is already installed (though not activated), you need  
to uninstall it in order to get it to recompile.

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