dovecot 1.1.11 vs 1.1.15

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Sun May 31 22:04:51 PDT 2009

On May 31, 2009, at 19:27, Mark Hattam wrote:

> OK ... good to see the version up to date ... only problem is that  
> it doesn't run.
> Luckily I didn't do the "uninstall inactive" after the "upgrade  
> outdated" which I normally do as a matter of course, so I'm now  
> back on 1.1.11
> However, even 1.1.11 didn't work again initially.
> It seemed to lose access to
> /opt/local/var/run/dovecot/login
> so I've chmod'd that to 777 and 1.1.11 is now able to work.  
> However, deactivating that and activating 1.1.15 is still "no joy".

Before deactivating 1.1.11, you stop the server process, yes? And  
after activating 1.1.15 you try to start the new one? What error  
message do you get?

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