kmail (could not start process for imap)

Thomas Stein t.stein at
Tue Oct 13 04:29:39 PDT 2009

Ryan Schmidt schrieb:

> Usually you would only use launchctl to either start a server process  
> now and cause it to start automatically at every system startup, or to  
> do the reverse and stop a server process and cause it to no longer  
> start automatically at system startup. As far as I can tell, kmail is  
> an email client, so I'm not sure why that would require a server  
> process. Even if it did, you would only need to start it once and it  
> would from then on always be running. What command are you running  
> with launchctl?

I have to start an dbus session, that's what the documentation says.

launchctl load /Library/LaunchAgents/org.freedesktop.dbus-session.plist

After that i can start kmail which starts but has problems with the imap 
process. Any idea on that issue.

Thanks and regards

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