emacs-app-devel fails to build under Snow Leopard

Jay Sachs jay+macports at covariant.org
Tue Sep 8 07:54:38 PDT 2009

On Sep 5, 2009, at 10:47 AM, CHENG Gao wrote:

> *On Sat, 05 Sep 2009 08:53:00 -0400
> * Also sprach cssdev at mac.com:
>> On Sep 4, 2009, at 4:50 PM, Artemio Gonzalez Lopez wrote:
>>> emacs-app-devel does not build under Snow Leopard (yes, I
>>> uninstalled first all my ports and rebuilt from scratch with Snow
>>> Leopard). More specifically, the error I get is:
>> It looks like there are larger issues trying to build Cocoa emacs on
>> Snow Leopard. I tried a couple small changes, but getting the Cocoa
>> build working on Snow Leopard looks like it's going to take some
>> upstream fixes by someone much more familiar with the code. I'll
>> upstate status to the existing ticket.
>> http://trac.macports.org/attachment/ticket/20244
>> Thanks,
>> Chris
> With YAMAMOTO Mitsuharu's help, I get it build successfully (from cvs
> source, not macports). Only 32bit Emacs can be built, as:
> $CC='gcc -arch i386' ./configure --with-ns --disable-ns-self-contained
> --without-dbus
> $make bootstrap
> Setting -disable-ns-self-contained does not matter. It's just my  
> style.
> If you have dbus installed (from Macports or source), you need to
> use --without-dbus, otherwise it fails.
> In this case I think emacs-app-devel Portfile can be revised to  
> achieve
> successful build.

Thank you. I can confirm that this works. I built from HEAD this  
morning.  Just to be clear, this didn't work with the 2009-01-04  
version from CVS, which is what the current Portfile specifies, nor  
does it work for release 23.1, which the emacs-app port specifies.  
(Neither of those failures surprised me.) Also, I had ncurses and  
ncursesw installed with the "+universal" variant (which for me  
includes i386). I'm not sure if that's required or not.

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