Apache 2 - am I doing it wrong?

Bradley Giesbrecht brad at pixilla.com
Sat Sep 12 05:24:15 PDT 2009

On Sep 11, 2009, at 7:03 PM, Chris Janton wrote:

> On 2009-09-11 , at 12:09 , Scott Haneda wrote:
>>> I use apachectl graceful a *lot* and have not ever had difficulty  
>>> with launchctl (mysql, a different story)
>> Care to share the MySql issues?
> I have the mysql data and logs split entirely different volumes.  
> Logs on /, data on /Volumes/data, innodb in separate files.
> Sometimes the data volume is not ready when mysql starts, so it  
> exits due to lack of data files.
> I have to check after each reboot.

Are you using MacPorts launchd plist which uses daemondo?

I don't like this approach at all. Just do away with the MacPorts  
plist and make your own and add something like "Requires" and  

I'm sure there is a good reason for daemondo but I don't know what  
that is.

Launchd is already there, powerful and documented.

Daemondo is either not powerful or not documented.

Since we are already writing to /Library/LaunchDaemons/ why not just  
use Apples launchd instead?

> Since Snow Leopard that hasn't been a problem.

Good to know.

// Brad
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