Macports 1.8, creating my stable environment

Bryan Blackburn blb at
Wed Sep 16 22:29:15 PDT 2009

On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 09:36:35PM -0700, Scott Haneda said:
> On Sep 16, 2009, at 9:16 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
> >
> >There are some issues in 1.8.0, yes. "port load" isn't working
> >which might affect you if you want to run server processes; in that
> >case, use the longer "sudo launchctl ..." commands. There is an
> >issue if the top-level directory you're installing into is a
> >symlink, so don't do that. There are several issues if your
> >MacPorts install is not owned by root, so use a normal root-owned
> >install for now. We now pass "-arch" all the time, not just for
> >universal builds, and this breaks some ports -- in particular glib2
> >is broken due to this on PowerPC. I will look into this soon. Any
> >other issues you're thinking of?
> >
> >You can always build MacPorts from source in a totally different
> >prefix, keeping your current MacPorts installation untouched, to
> >test if everything builds ok.
> I am not doing anything out of the ordinary.  php, mysql, apache2,
> and pureftpd.  Do you know of any issues with those?
> As time moves on, Dovecot and Postfix will probably make there way to
> the machine, but I am not sure at this time.  Thanks

Note that most of the issues recently have been port-related with how Mac OS
X 10.6 builds 64bit by default, and not necessarily MacPorts 1.8.0.


> -- 
> Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ *

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