xorg-libxkbui installation problem / general X11 question
Lars Sonchocky-Helldorf
lars.sonchocky-helldorf at hamburg.de
Fri Sep 25 15:08:17 PDT 2009
Hi Ryan,
at first thank you very much for your quick, helpful, very friendly
answers. You even picked up the mail I canceled after realizing that
the attachment was to large.
Am 25.09.2009 um 18:33 schrieb Ryan Schmidt:
> Hi Lars,
> On Sep 25, 2009, at 08:22, Lars Sonchocky-Helldorf wrote:
>> when doing an 'sudo port -v upgrade outdated' I got a failure for
>> xorg-libxkbui which I have attached:
>> <macports xorg-libxkbui install failure.txt>
>> my environment (a PowerBook G4):
>> Lars-Sonchocky-Helldorfs-Computer:~ lars$ uname -a
>> Darwin Lars-Sonchocky-Helldorfs-Computer.local 8.11.0 Darwin
>> Kernel Version 8.11.0: Wed Oct 10 18:26:00 PDT 2007;
>> root:xnu-792.24.17~1/RELEASE_PPC Power Macintosh powerpc
>> Lars-Sonchocky-Helldorfs-Computer:~ lars$ port version
>> Version: 1.8.0
> Thanks for letting us know. xorg-libxkbui was missing a dependency
> on xorg-libXt, which I have now added (in r58301). Please wait 30
> minutes from the time of this message, then "sudo port sync" and
> try again.
that worked like a charm. All the X11 stuff (besides several fonts)
currently installed on this machine is:
quartz-wm @1.0.3_1 (active)
xauth @1.0.4_0 (active)
Xft2 @2.1.7_0
Xft2 @2.1.13_0
Xft2 @2.1.13_2 (active)
xinit @1.1.1_5 (active)
xmlcatmgr @2.2_1 (active)
xorg-applewmproto @1.4.1_0 (active)
xorg-bigreqsproto @1.1.0_0 (active)
xorg-damageproto @1.2.0_0 (active)
xorg-dri2proto @2.1_0 (active)
xorg-encodings @1.0.2_0 (active)
xorg-evieproto @1.1.0_0 (active)
xorg-fixesproto @4.1_0 (active)
xorg-font-util @1.0.2_0 (active)
xorg-fontcacheproto @0.1.2_0 (active)
xorg-fonts @20090102_1 (active)
xorg-fontsproto @2.1.0_0 (active)
xorg-glproto @1.4.10_0 (active)
xorg-inputproto @1.5.1_0 (active)
xorg-kbproto @1.0.3_0 (active)
xorg-libAppleWM @1.4.0_0 (active)
xorg-libfontenc @1.0.5_0 (active)
xorg-libice @1.0.6_0 (active)
xorg-libsm @1.1.1_0 (active)
xorg-libX11 @1.2.2_0 (active)
xorg-libXau @1.0.5_0 (active)
xorg-libXdmcp @1.0.2_1
xorg-libXdmcp @1.0.3_0 (active)
xorg-libXext @ (active)
xorg-libXfixes @4.0.3_1 (active)
xorg-libXfont @1.4.0_2 (active)
xorg-libXfontcache @1.0.4_1 (active)
xorg-libXi @1.2.1_1 (active)
xorg-libXinerama @ (active)
xorg-libxkbfile @1.0.5_1 (active)
xorg-libxkbui @1.0.2_0 (active)
xorg-libXmu @1.0.5_0 (active)
xorg-libXp @1.0.0_3 (active)
xorg-libXScrnSaver @1.2.0_0 (active)
xorg-libXt @1.0.6_0 (active)
xorg-libXxf86misc @1.0.1_2 (active)
xorg-printproto @1.0.4_0 (active)
xorg-randrproto @1.3.0_0 (active)
xorg-recordproto @ (active)
xorg-renderproto @0.9.3_0
xorg-renderproto @0.11_0 (active)
xorg-resourceproto @1.1.0_0 (active)
xorg-scrnsaverproto @1.2.0_0 (active)
xorg-server @1.5.3-apple15_0+macosx (active)
xorg-trapproto @3.4.3_0 (active)
xorg-util-macros @1.3.0_0 (active)
xorg-videoproto @2.3.0_0 (active)
xorg-xcmiscproto @1.2.0_0 (active)
xorg-xextproto @7.1.1_0 (active)
xorg-xf86bigfontproto @1.2.0_0 (active)
xorg-xf86miscproto @0.9.2_0 (active)
xorg-xineramaproto @ (active)
xorg-xproto @7.0.14_1
xorg-xproto @7.0.15_0
xorg-xproto @7.0.16_0 (active)
xorg-xtrans @1.2.4_0 (active)
xrdb @1.0.5_1 (active)
xrender @0.9.0_0+darwin_8
xrender @0.9.4_4+macosx
xrender @0.9.4_6 (active)
xset @1.1.0_0 (active)
>> What makes me wonder here is why macports tries to install X11/
>> Xorg at all, given I already have installed X11.app from Apple. Is
>> this the case because the X11.app from Apple is to old (I got
>> version 1.1.3) or because it is incompatible or not detected? I'd
>> rather use Apple's X11.app (because it works and I have no
>> problems installing it) but if this is not sufficient please let
>> me know.
> MacPorts installs its own X11 libraries for the same reason it
> installs its own version of every other library: to avoid bugs in
> older versions included with Mac OS X, and to provide a consistent
> experience for MacPorts users across all versions of Mac OS X.
> http://trac.macports.org/wiki/FAQ#ownlibs
> X11 had previously been an exception to this rule because X11 in
> MacPorts had not been maintained and did not work. But now a lot of
> effort has been put in to make X11 in MacPorts work. For a time, we
> allowed users the option of using either the MacPorts X11 or the
> system's X11, but this caused a large number of problems so this
> option was removed.
> You can continue to use Apple's X11.app in /Applications/Utilities
> to run software you install using MacPorts. However, the version of
> X11.app on Tiger is very old and contains many bugs which have
> since been fixed. So especially for Tiger, I recommend you install
> the ports xorg-server and quartz-wm and use X11.app in /
> Applications/MacPorts instead.
> Note also that the X11 system Apple shipped in Tiger and earlier is
> based on XFree86 while the X11 system Apple ships in Leopard and
> later, and the one we now use in MacPorts, is based on X.Org.
> That's another reason to prefer the MacPorts version on Tiger -- to
> upgrade you to the same X11 the rest of the Mac world is using.
Thanks for the exhaustive explanation. Now I somewhat can "connect
the dots".
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