MacPorts 1.8.1 has been released
Ryan Schmidt
ryandesign at
Tue Sep 29 05:24:59 PDT 2009
On Sep 29, 2009, at 07:17, Joe Schnide wrote:
> At 6:30 AM -0500 9/29/09, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> The installer doesn't seem to think you're running Mac OS X 10.6 on
>> this computer. What is the output of "uname -a" and "sw_vers"?
> schnide-iMac:~ root# sw_vers
> ProductName: Mac OS X
> ProductVersion: 10.6.1
> BuildVersion: 10B504
> schnide-iMac:~ root# uname -a
> schnide-iMac:~ root# which uname
> /usr/bin/uname
> schnide-iMac:~ root#
> uname does not return any information.
Ok, you're running 10.6, but your uname command is broken. MacPorts
uses uname (specifically "uname -r") in the installer script to check
that your OS version is correct.
uname is important not just for MacPorts itself but for probably most
software you'd want to install using MacPorts, so you will need to
figure out why your uname command is broken, and fix it.
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