Inkscape-bin crash: was "Re: Inkscape crazy slow"

~suv suv-sf at
Wed Sep 30 13:55:27 PDT 2009

On 30/9/09 22:05, Joseph C. Slater PE, PhD wrote:
> On Sep 30, 2009, at 3:48 PM, Jeremy Huddleston wrote:
>> On Sep 30, 2009, at 03:41, Joseph C. Slater PE, PhD wrote:
>>>> where did you get your /usr/lib/libxml2.2.dylib?  Did you install
>>>> your own copy of libxml2 over the one provided by the system?
>>> I get the same result. Now I'm further confused. I have inkscape
>>> working now (I installed the stand alone beta version off source
>>> forge), but this is weird.
>> You failed to answer the question.  Where did you get your
>> /usr/lib/libxml2.2.dylib?  It's not the one shipped by Apple.
>> My advice: Reinstall SnowLeopard and don't clobber /usr.
> I just had a friend check the size and date on their version of this
> file: 3.75 MB, and May 28, exactly as me. Looking through time machine,
> there was a 4.5MB version with a July 17 mod date in Leopard, and it was
> replaced by an older version in Snow Leopard.

AFAIU there is no need to reinstall! The Dyld Error Message

> Dyld Error Message:
>   Library not loaded: /usr/lib/libxml2.2.dylib
>   Referenced from: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/DictionaryServices.framework/Versions/A/DictionaryServices
>   Reason: Incompatible library version: DictionaryServices requires version 10.0.0 or later, but libxml2.2.dylib provides version 9.0.0

was due to a older version of libxml2 that is included in the 0.46 package from and obviously is loaded instead of the
system libxml2 installed in /usr/lib. This bundled library has its
install_name unchanged and is loaded due to $DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH set in
the shell launcher script inside

The error message is misleading (and has been discuss before on the
X11-user list, maybe related to which has had similar issues -
for example in this thread:

hth, ~suv

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