X11 apps hang or return bus error

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Wed Sep 30 15:06:13 PDT 2009

On Sep 30, 2009, at 16:57, greenstreet at madasafish.com wrote:

> I have a similar problem to David Trem in that my apps which use X11  
> aren't working following upgrades.
> My setup:
> OS X 10.5.8
> XQuartz 2.4.0
> Macports 1.8.1
> Intel iMac 2.4GHz Core 2 Duo
> After upgrading to OS X 10.5.8 I upgraded Macports and XQuartz and  
> then upgraded several applications using Macports.  The upgrades  
> went fine (except for a checksum problem with libsdl which was  
> resolved by changing the checksums in the Portfile to match those  
> suggested by the debugging output).
> The problem occurs when I try to launch the applications.  Gimp,  
> Gramps and Inkscape all return the to-be-expected error "Xlib:   
> extension "RANDR" missing on display..." but then do nothing except  
> create a process that uses 100% of CPU capacity.  For Gimp, the  
> title window does appear but that's all.  None of them generate any  
> further error messages (and nothing in the console logs) and I have  
> been terminating the processes using kill -9 PID.
> The upgraded Stellarium, which doesn't use X11, works perfectly.

pango 1.26.0 was causing this issue in many apps. I downgraded pango  
to 1.24.5 until upstream can resolve this. Please "sudo port  
selfupdate" to get the latest MacPorts and port definitions, then  
check "port outdated" to see if you need to "upgrade" to pango 1.24.5.

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