Re. X11 apps hang or return bus error

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Wed Sep 30 23:59:05 PDT 2009

On Oct 1, 2009, at 01:35, greenstreet at wrote:

>> pango 1.26.0 was causing this issue in many apps. I downgraded pango
>> to 1.24.5 until upstream can resolve this. Please "sudo port
>> selfupdate" to get the latest MacPorts and port definitions, then
>> check "port outdated" to see if you need to "upgrade" to pango  
>> 1.24.5.
> Thanks Ryan, you were right about Pango: I had 1.26.0 installed so  
> I've "upgraded" to 1.24.5, which has resolved the "loop" problem;  
> however, now the apps fail saying that they require version 1.26.
> $ dyld: Library not loaded: /opt/local/lib/libpangocairo-1.0.0.dylib
>   Referenced from: /opt/local/bin/inkscape
>   Reason: Incompatible library version: inkscape requires version  
> 2601.0.0 or later, but libpangocairo-1.0.0.dylib provides version  
> 2401.0.0
> Is there a way round this?

Rebuild each port. For example, here "/opt/local/bin/inkscape" is  
having the problem, which I expect is provided by the inkscape port,  
so rebuild the inkscape port.

sudo port -n upgrade --force inkscape

Do this for every other port that complains about an incompatible  
library version of pango.

If you don't know what port provides the file that's being complained  
about, "port provides /path/to/file" will tell you.

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