Can't get MacPorts to work after the install
kremels at
Fri Apr 2 18:39:20 PDT 2010
On 2-Apr-2010, at 09:50, Perry Lee wrote:
> On Apr 2, 2010, at 4:19 AM, Yves S. Garret wrote:
>> Everything was as it should, then I modified the .zsh_profile file in order to insert to modify the PATH and it looks as it does below:
>> #!/bin/zsh
>> if [ -e ~/.zshrc ]; then
>> source ~/.zshrc
>> fi
>> export PATH=/opt/local/bin:$PATH
>> export PATH=/opt/local/sbin:$PATH
> Try adding PATH to ~/.zshenv instead. For example:
> path=(/opt/local/{bin,sbin} $path)
I would suggest that unless you really know zsh (which it seems you don't) then there's almost certainly no reason for you running it over bash. I'm guessing that someone told you zsh was 'better' (which it certainly is on paper, having more features and more advanced syntax), but for the vast majority of people unfamiliar with the command-line, the best choice is almost always going to be the most common and that is bash in this case, hands down.
bash is the OS X default and the vast majority of help that you will find for working with the OS X command line is going to assume bash. You *will* have issues like this over and over and over again. They are not issues for people who have a high working knowledge of zsh and the differences between it and bash.
NB: I am not saying anything bad about zsh at all, and there are valid reasons for someone who has high degrees of shell-fu to choose it., just like I'm sure there are valid reasons for choosing emacs… :)
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