how long does it take to build gcc45?

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Sun Apr 18 10:16:22 PDT 2010

On Apr 18, 2010, at 11:45, Michael_google gmail_Gersten wrote:

>>> On my 2.5 GB 32-bit macbook it's been running 'stock on building gcc45' for half an hour. How long more should I normally wait?
>> Wait a couple hours at least. Each version of gcc seems to be bigger than the last.
> 4.3 took over 24 hours on my 1.42 G4. So go and get a cup of coffee or
> 2 (or 20).

Yes, you can expect a PowerPC Mac to take a lot longer than an Intel Mac to build any port, since the Intel Mac has a higher CPU clock speed and has multiple processor cores. My Power Mac G4 has been building gcc45 for the past 11 hours, but it's 466 MHz so I'm sure it'll take another day or two to finish.

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