maxime.7259 at
Mon Aug 2 10:19:50 PDT 2010
I have been using linux for quite a while.
I switched to mac a year ago.
but I miss Amarok.
I installed macports and Amarok this week-end.
I had to go throught the process a couple of times so it would find
all the dependancies.
then I got:
# Don't forget that dbus needs to be started as the local
# user (not with sudo) before any KDE programs will launch
# To start it run the following command:
# launchctl load /Library/LaunchAgents/org.freedesktop.dbus-
# Programs will not start until you run the command
# 'sudo chown -R $USER ~/Library/Preferences/KDE'
# replacing $USER with your username.
I changed my permissions on /users/maxime recursively.
but for the first one this is what I get:
Last log in: Mon Aug 2 17:09:36 on console
macbook-pro-de-maxime:~ maxime$ launchctl load /Library/LaunchAgents/
nothing found to load
macbook-pro-de-maxime:~ maxime$
When I start Amarok, the icon will be jumping as usual for a couple of
seconds and then disappears.
I tried in the shell:
Last login: Mon Aug 2 19:12:55 on ttys000
macbook-pro-de-maxime:~ maxime$ /Applications/MacPorts/KDE4/
-bash: /Applications/MacPorts/KDE4/ is a directory
macbook-pro-de-maxime:~ maxime$ amarok
-bash: amarok: command not found
macbook-pro-de-maxime:~ maxime$
what's wrong with it?
Many thanks
maxime.7259 at
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