maxime.7259 at
Tue Aug 3 10:01:27 PDT 2010
Thanks for your help
> It should not have been necessary to "sudo port install" more than
> once. If you tell us more about the dependency problems you
> encountered perhaps we can fix that.
It said something like "error could not fetch ..."
it seemed it could not retrieve the sources from any of the servers,
and the installation stopped.
so I used "sudo port install" again and it fetched it OK
>> I changed my permissions on /users/maxime recursively.
> What did you change permissions to?
> The message was telling you to change ownership (not permissions) of
> ~/Library/Preferences/KDE (not of ~).
I changed ownership and permissions as RW
after your mail I checked what is in /Preferences/KDE and there was a
link to "tmp-macbook-pro-de-maxime.local" but then it says the
original file is missing, dead link.
>> but for the first one this is what I get:
>> Last log in: Mon Aug 2 17:09:36 on console
>> macbook-pro-de-maxime:~ maxime$ launchctl load /Library/
>> LaunchAgents/org.freedesktop.dbus-session.plist
>> nothing found to load
>> macbook-pro-de-maxime:~ maxime$
> This whole dbus business baffles me, and I'm not sure if the above
> is normal or if it is the source of the problem you're having.
> After launching /Applications/MacPorts/KDE4/ in the Finder
> by double-clicking it, I'd double-click /Applications/Utilities/
> and look for error messages.
this is what I get:
03/08/10 18:36:26 [0x0-0xa50a5].org.kde.amarok[2423] <unknown program
name>(2423)/ mac_initialize_dbus: warning: unable to initialize D-Bus
03/08/10 18:36:26 [0x0-0xa50a5].org.kde.amarok[2423] Dynamic session
lookup supported but failed: launchd did not provide a socket path,
verify that org.freedesktop.dbus-session.plist is loaded!
03/08/10 18:36:26 [0x0-0xa50a5].org.kde.amarok[2423] <unknown program
name>(2423)/: KUniqueApplication: Cannot find the D-Bus session
server: "Not enough memory"
03/08/10 18:36:26[126]
([0x0-0xa50a5].org.kde.amarok[2423]) Exited with exit code: 255
yes, it looks like dbus is part of the problem.
(by the way, since I now have macport, is it possible to have Dolphin
running on Mac?)
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