Selfupdate problem from 1.8.1 to 1.8.2

Guilherme P. de Freitas guilherme at
Mon Jan 4 14:55:24 PST 2010

> Remember to use Reply All so your replies go to the list and not just me.

Thanks for the heads up about 'replying to all'. For the record, what I said in
the previous email is that the full output of 'port -d selfupdate' is
in the following link:

> The immediate problem is:
> ld: warning: in /usr/local/lib/libsqlite3.dylib, missing required
> architecture x86_64 in file

Sorry, I don't know what that means beyond "there is a problem with the SQLite3
that I have installed". Maybe the problem is that I have it installed in
/usr/local? Should I uninstall it?

> Also not good is:
> checking for Tcl configuration... found /usr/local/lib/

Again, would the problem be the fact that I have Tcl installed in /usr/local,
as suggested by Ryan?


Guilherme P. de Freitas

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