Selfupdate problem from 1.8.1 to 1.8.2

Guilherme P. de Freitas guilherme at
Mon Jan 4 15:23:12 PST 2010

> Safest would be to rename /usr/local to something like
> /usr/local-disabled when building. Note that this applies to building
> ports as much as to selfupdate. Unfortunately this is necessary because
> of hardcoded behaviour in gcc that we can't work around.
> - Josh

Ok, I have quite a lot of stuff (important stuff) in /usr/local, so I
want to make sure I won't mess this up. You are saying that before
installing, updating/upgrading anything with Macports I should run:

$ mv /usr/local /usr/local-disabled

And then after it is built, I can simply move back:

$ mv /usr/local-disabled /usr/local

Is that right?

Thanks again,


Guilherme P. de Freitas

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