qt4-mac update fails to compile

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Fri Jan 8 15:41:15 PST 2010

On Jan 8, 2010, at 14:27, Chris Jones wrote:

> OS X 10.6 intel. Attempting to upgrade qt4-mac gives the error below. Does anyone else see this ?

Please check the issue tracker. There are a zillion bugs filed against qt4-mac. Probably one of them matches what you see. Probably another port you have installed is conflicting, and needs to be deactivated prior to installing qt4-mac (and needs to be added to qt4-mac's conflicts line to enforce this). I can't install qt4-mac on most of my systems either for similar reasons. Unfortunately since qt4-mac takes hours to build, testing for and finding this problem port is extremely time-consuming. If you can assist in identifying what other port is causing this problem, or confirm that another port is not the problem because it happens when installing qt4-mac into an empty MacPorts prefix, please add a note to the appropriate ticket. What OS you're on, what computer you're on, what build_arch you've set, and whether you're building universal (and what universal_archs you've set) are all good additional pieces of information to provide.

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