Helping with MacPorts documentation

Jim Busser jbusser at
Wed Jan 20 11:09:54 PST 2010

I never (well, hardly ever) ask a question without first consulting the guide, not to mention tickets and variable web searches.

When I found the guide to be unclear or silent on
- how to achieve something or
- how to better understand MacPorts

the list has been tremendously helpful. I do find it a shame, though, that a lot of the list helpfulness is not better leveraged into Guide improvements.

While documentation is often regarded as mundane (particularly by those who already know what they need to know) it is something that I would be very happy to help maintain and revise on the understanding such revision is best done not arbitrarily, but with a nod from one or a couple of people. Presumably these should be established project members who want to be able to exercise judgement on the changes, while being happy for a volunteer to do the grunt work of the edits.

Can I be advised of any procedure to request to be allowed to help this? Thanks so much.

-- Jim

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