Error trying to upgrade Perl 5.10

Eric Hall at
Tue Jan 26 20:00:42 PST 2010

On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 12:38:49PM +1100, Joshua Root wrote:
> On 2010-1-22 09:59 , Mark Anderson wrote:
> > It will sort of, you just have to make symbolic links to the
> > perl-5.10 , cpan-5.10, etc.  I did it with a perl script.
> Why not just use perl5.10+mangle_names and perl5+perl5_10?

	Or uninstall perl5.8 and install:

		perl5 +perl5_10

	I have not checked that all perl-using ports depend
on 'perl5' (w/o a version), though I did notice at least one
port (ghc) is set to require perl5.8 as

	"only perl 5.8 is known to work reliably."
	I don't know if that is out of date or not.

	So far as why perl5.10 conflicts with perl5.8 -
when the perl5.10 port was added it was added with what
the +mangle_names variant does so that it (perl5.10) would
not conflict with the installed perl5.8 files.  Now perl5.10
does not (by default) mangle its installed filenames, thus
it will conflict with perl5.8.  If anyone wants to help out
by going through and add the +mangle_names logic to perl5.8 or
figure out a better way to avoid the conflicts, please do so.


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