kile-devel port failed on Tiger

Joachim osna at
Sun Jan 31 08:03:27 PST 2010

For the problem of kile-devel I found a page which gives an instruction to  
compile it "by hand" on MacOSX in German, but only for => 10.5 Leopard, .  

But in the comments to it an "authe" wrote to have it compiled - after  
some patching - successfully on Mac 10.4 Tiger. Unfortunately I am not  
able to understand it thorouhly, though it is in German, as the  

=> For the case it might help to pach the MacPorts kile-devel port, I try  
to give the essence of that post in my poor English below.

=> In the hope that the kile-devel port can be patched to be able to  
compile and install well on Mac-OSX 10.4 Tiger, too.

=> Or, Josh and others, from the respons to my
`port contents apple-gcc42-devel | grep /opt/local/bin` (see further below)
can you tell me, what I have to do now to get the port kile-devel  

regards, joachim

Comment #2 (by authe)
For the installation of kdepimlibs4 I had to edit  
The installed version of Boost (1.39) was not identified.

With SET( _boost_TEST_VERSIONS ${Boost_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS} "1.39") it  

Thereover I had to install gcc4.2.

In order that Kile should find my tex installation, in Settings -  
Configure Kile - Tools - Build I had to add for the commands /usr/texbin/.
Thus for pdflatex e. g. in command /usr/texbin/pdflatex instead of  
In order that ViewPdf uses Acrobat Reader, in command open -a "Adobe  
Reader 9" added, in options %target. Similarily it should work for the  
other View Options (i. e. apen -a "<Name of the application as it appears  
in the /Application folder>".

And in an answer to an interjection, authe answered in comment #4:
Yes, I use 10.4.11. But Kile is working here without problems.

Am 29.01.2010, 17:57 Uhr, schrieb Joshua Root <jmr at>:

> OK, so it can't find /opt/local/bin/gcc-apple-4.2, which it presumably
> expects to be installed by apple-gcc42-devel. Check what binaries are
> actually installed by running
> `port contents apple-gcc42-devel | grep /opt/local/bin`.

As I already wrote 29.01.2010, the result was:

> $ port contents apple-gcc42-devel | grep /opt/local/bin
>    /opt/local/bin/c++-4.2
>    /opt/local/bin/cpp-4.2
>    /opt/local/bin/g++-4.2
>    /opt/local/bin/gcc-4.2
>    /opt/local/bin/gcov-4.2
>    /opt/local/bin/i686-apple-darwin8-g++-4.2.1
>    /opt/local/bin/i686-apple-darwin8-gcc-4.2.1
>    /opt/local/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin8-g++-4.2.1
>    /opt/local/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin8-gcc-4.2.1
> … you'll not expect that I am able to draw the conclusion from that

not without help, I meant.

Mac BacicTeX 2009 - TeXShop 2.29 / TeXworks 0.2.3
LyX 1.6.5 - MacBook Pro intel OSX 10.4.11 Tiger

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