Eliminating X dependency from python

Scott Webster sewebster at gmail.com
Thu Jul 1 19:51:42 PDT 2010

On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 7:42 PM, Michael_google gmail_Gersten
<keybounce at gmail.com> wrote:
>> The +no_tkinter variant should work.
> But I had that.
> Kleiman-ibook:Windows TM michael$ port echo leaves
> python26                       @2.6.5_1+darwin+no_tkinter+universal
> That was what I had at one point, and all of the X stuff still around.
> --

Well, if you originally didn't have that, and then changed the
variant, it won't uninstall all the X stuff automatically, but maybe
you're saying the X stuff isn't showing up in your list of leaves?
This could be the result of the leaves algorithm not taking into
account the variants...


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