sqlite error: disk I/O error

Michael_google gmail_Gersten keybounce at gmail.com
Fri Jul 9 13:15:58 PDT 2010

Oh, this isn't nice.

smartctl -x disk0

Error 5 occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 9454 hours (393 days + 22 hours)
  When the command that caused the error occurred, the device was
active or idle.

  After command completion occurred, registers were:
  -- -- -- -- -- -- --
  40 59 07 59 16 be 40  Error: UNC 7 sectors at LBA = 0x00be1659 = 12457561

So it looks like I've got an error somewhere around that block. And,
other errors at LBA's 293167 and 314548. (And, I'm at around 11,000
total poweron hours.)

First: Isn't that excessively early? What are the spec'd error rates
for this drive?
Model Family:     Fujitsu MHV series
Device Model:     FUJITSU MHV2060ATPL
Serial Number:    NSA1T5825GFR
Firmware Version: 008100A0

Second: How can I force a test read or write of those sectors? How can
I tell if they are allocated? (Normal HFS+, but multiple partitions.)

Looks like fun ... but the drive's self test has never been run. Glad
I have an external TM backup before I test it :-).

(Hmm, I saved my 10.5 install disk as a partition on another machine
on the network. If worst comes to worst, can I boot that in target
disk mode and reinstall over the network? Do self tests do read-only
testing, or write tests? Obviously, a write test will be more
accurate, but a failure ...)

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