What the heck is this in my ~

Scott Haneda talklists at newgeo.com
Sat Jul 10 14:42:52 PDT 2010

On Jul 10, 2010, at 7:34 AM, Brandon S Allbery KF8NH wrote:

> On 7/10/10 05:19 , Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> I don't know how I would accomplish such a thing unintentionally, however.
> Select it, copy, accidentally paste right back into that (or another)
> Terminal window.  I've done it more than once.

What is 'it'?  You mean I may have had all those items in my shell, copied them, or copied them from elsewhere, and had a leading `touch` in my shell, and pasted it in?

I have my bash_history set to, among other things:
    export HISTCONTROL="ignoredups"
    export HISTSIZE=2500

Here is a snip of the port commands I have used from a `grep -i port ~/.bash_history`
    $grep -i port ~/.bash_history 
    port info smartmontools
    sudo port -d install smartmontools +universal
    port smartmontools
    port info smartmontools
    sudo port install smartmontools
    port contents --->  Computing dependencies for smartmontools
    port contents smartmontools
    port search *smart*
    port contents smartmontools
    port edit /opt/local/share/doc/smartmontools-5.39.1/INSTALL
    port edit smartmontools
    port contents smartmontools
    port contents smarttools
    port contents smartmontools
    port contents smartmontools
    port isntalled
    port installed
    sudo port -d uninstall smartmontools
    sudo port -d uninstall smartmontools @5.39.1_0+universal
    port installed
    sudo port -d uninstall smartmontools
    port contents smartmontools
    sudo port -d uninstall smartmontools +universal
    port info smartmontools
    port installed smartmontools
    sudo port -d install smartmontools +universal
    sudo port -d uninstall smartmontools +universal
    sudo port -d install smartmontools +universal
    port info smartmontools
    port contents smartmontools
    port contents smartmontools | mate
    port edit smartmontools
    port info smartmontools

Grepping my logs in /var/log/* I don't find any mention of the files that were made, as a just in case test.  `locate` can't find the files, so they were not around long enough that the locate database was updated.  Looking through my system.log, at the time, a bit before, I was not doing much.  A Time Machine thinning was happening.

I'm at a loss as to how to make it a repeatable case. I tried a few of the steps I remember from installing smartmontools, and nothing will get those files to come back.  What are they for, they are MacPorts made correct?  The files, assuming they are MacPorts made, have a purpose, just not in this location; what is the story behind these files?

I guess it doesn't matter much, since it is not happening all the time, so it is to much a bother.  I only worry if I had files/dirs of those names already, they could have been over-written.


Scott (* For off-list contact, replace talklists@ with scott@ *)

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