What the heck is this in my ~

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Sat Jul 10 15:03:22 PDT 2010

On Jul 10, 2010, at 16:42, Scott Haneda wrote:

> On Jul 10, 2010, at 7:34 AM, Brandon S Allbery KF8NH wrote:
>> On 7/10/10 05:19 , Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>>> I don't know how I would accomplish such a thing unintentionally, however.
>> Select it, copy, accidentally paste right back into that (or another)
>> Terminal window.  I've done it more than once.
> What is 'it'?  You mean I may have had all those items in my shell, copied them, or copied them from elsewhere, and had a leading `touch` in my shell, and pasted it in?

He means you had part of the output of "port install something" on the clipboard, and pasted it into the terminal.

> I have my bash_history set to, among other things:
>    export HISTCONTROL="ignoredups"
>    export HISTSIZE=2500
> Here is a snip of the port commands I have used from a `grep -i port ~/.bash_history`
>    $grep -i port ~/.bash_history 
>    port info smartmontools
>    sudo port -d install smartmontools +universal
>    port smartmontools
>    port info smartmontools
>    sudo port install smartmontools
>    port contents --->  Computing dependencies for smartmontools

Well, there you go: right there, you created the empty file "Computing" in whatever directory you were in when you ran that command (and received the error message "Error: contents does not accept ---").

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