Creating or modifying Portfiles for universal builds

Harry van der Wolf hvdwolf at
Sun Jul 18 07:39:27 PDT 2010

2010/7/18 Ryan Schmidt <ryandesign at>

> On Jul 18, 2010, at 09:02, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
> > On Jul 18, 2010, at 08:32, Harry van der Wolf wrote:
> >
> >> When I want to create a universal build that needs to be built in
> separate steps due to differences in ppc and i386 (big_endian or
> little_endian or SSE dependencies), how do I specify that in the Portfile?
> >>
> >> It used to be necessary to script it with either
> >>    "if { [variant_isset universal] } {"  etc.
> >> or with
> >> "variant universal {"  etc.
> >>
> >> Is their now some setting I can use to make macports build it in
> separate steps depending on the architecture?
> >
> > Add the line
> >
> > PortGroup muniversal 1.0
> >
> > after the
> >
> > PortSystem 1.0
> >
> > line at the top of the Portfile. That's all.
> >
> > If you need to send separate configure arguments, environment variables,
> or other settings to each separate build, that can be done. There isn't
> documentation on muniversal, other than reading the portgroup file, but you
> can also look at the existing portfiles that use muniversal to see what's
> possible.
> But, to be clear, that's only necessary for certain software that doesn't
> build properly when doing a "normal" all-at-once universal build. If the
> software you're writing a portfile for doesn't have any problems with the
> usual all-at-once universal method, you don't need to add anything to the
> portfile at all; the default universal variant MacPorts adds to all
> portfiles will take care of it (assuming your portfile doesn't disable it).
I asked because I get again for two more ports the frustrating "shell
command failed"  error when trying to build universally. I simply wanted to
try building in 2 steps to see if that would solve it.
It doesn't by the way.
Looking further.

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