Apache won't start (was: Hi, I need some help)

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Wed Jul 28 07:18:29 PDT 2010

On Jul 28, 2010, at 04:26, Ali A Samii wrote:

> Hi Ryan:
> I know you might not be the right person to ask, but I don't know whom to ask and I need a quicker answer than by posting to the MacPorts support forum.
> I was working on a very large graphics file, and I got a message from Photoshop that said that my start-up disk is almost full and I may lose some files. I ignored the message as I was almost finished working on the file, and then I quit photoshop, restarted my mac, and off I went...or so I thought.
> Ever since, however, I cannot load the MacPorts version of apache2 (the process is running, but trying to connect to localhost gives me a server not responding error). I updated my installation of MacPorts and also all outdated packages, restarted my mac, and still no access. I cannot figure out what happened.
> Can you point me in the right direction? Would I need to possibly remove and reinstall my entire configuration? That would be a real pain as I initially had trouble getting everything working properly anyway.
> Awaiting your answer at your earliest convenience.

You should write to the macports-users mailing list for this kind of help. I may not necessarily be available (or awake) to help you immediately, but hopefully at least one of the hundreds of people on the list will be.

What does your Apache error log say about why it won't start? That would be the first place I'd look. The log file is in /opt/local/apache2/logs (unless you changed it).

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